Soullessly Soft Is The Girl Walking Home Alone.

Alonda Hamilton A black and white film that has us traveling through various genres, from the westerners montages of music to the lands of death and sounds of French-speaking words. The 1940s are in the customs themes, of the few people that symbolize some life in this “Bad City”. Arash is the protagonist and he is looking for away out. Arash is going about his life and how he is dealing with the mood and time shifts in the various scenes is devastating for him. The ups and downs of duality, being a child/ the responsibility holder, he isn’t in … Continue reading Soullessly Soft Is The Girl Walking Home Alone.

They Love Me, They Love Me Not, They Love Me As A Citizen…

Alonda Hamilton A dollar and a dream. It’s the 20th century and another young, but yet lucky- unlucky man wins a lottery, but not for money, it’s for his life. Ebrahim is about to speak his dreams and destiny into existence. This young man will deal with defeat, loss, hurt, betrayal amongst just the everyday life Lessons he is about to endure. The time and place are set in New York, a place where Ebrahim will also have to learn just like this place (New York), how it feels to have to stand, fall and get back up! The characters … Continue reading They Love Me, They Love Me Not, They Love Me As A Citizen…

How is it Just Mercy when there is no mercy anywhere.

Alonda Hamilton Mr. Walter’s, you own your own business and are a man! So, you thought. In the inkling of an eye the camera took you from freedom to fighting to keep a piece of mind and soul. The editing and cuts give us time change fast forward in time or rewind to another time, all to tell a story. What is a Mockingbird? Why do Southern Trees Bare Strang Fruit? Why is it a sin to kill a Mockingbird, unless you are white? Why is it okay for the trees to only bear, dark fruits, are the white fruits … Continue reading How is it Just Mercy when there is no mercy anywhere.

Something so Beautiful, but yet can’t escape, The killing jar….

Alonda Hamilton, The movie starts off with a black background. A glass jar and a butterfly in the jar that has a lid on it. There are various angles and lighting that show  the butterfly wants to be free but can’t. These are 3D lighting with black screen tricks that give a gloomy and fearful effectiveness of the butterfly, also glossed over and medium shots give us the effect of the glass hanging in a space less place. The film goes directly to a old diner, Copal Grill. We get conversations from several view points. Some with soft tones and … Continue reading Something so Beautiful, but yet can’t escape, The killing jar….

Whose Healing Megan Leavey 

Alonda Hamilton  Death, loss of connection to life. A young woman who has to find herself or risk losing herself, mind and body and soul, takes us on her journey. We see this young lady, Megan has been trying to find herself in daycare work, but gets confronted by the boss, who has to help her deal with the elephant in the room. This pushes Megan to make a choice, she enlists in the Marines. Megan, is presenting that she doesn’t have anything else to lose, so, she enlists like a thief in the night to basic training where she … Continue reading Whose Healing Megan Leavey 

Gold can have a priceless value.

Alonda Hamilton Gold (2014) – IMDb The movie Gold is a movie that explores family, mental illness, heart ache, and family finding their way back to a new beginning. This movie show cases a couch, a girl and a man whose name is Ray. He is a man who is finding his way back to what he never had, but he still lost. A dyeing father, a lost love to a P.E teacher, who has also become his estranged daughter’s figure of a father. So, this movie is set in a suburb of Dublin Ireland. A basic middle-class family, Alice … Continue reading Gold can have a priceless value.

Who is Jacob Zucker

Alonda Hamilton This film is set in Germany, it follows a middle age white man whose name is Jacob Zucker. He has a family, but him and his wife have a lot of issues because of his choice of life choices. Jacob has a love of gambling with a bigger mix of lying to the ones he loves. Jacob takes the viewers on a roller coaster ride. As viewers we see the end as his beginning and his beginning as a question of what in the world has this guy been through! Jacob’s story is giving viewers choices, you can … Continue reading Who is Jacob Zucker